Piano for All Review: Is It Worth It?
You must have heard about Piano for All as these piano lessons are very popular. Here is the review and my thoughts about Piano for All. The information shared in this article will help you decide whether you should buy this piano learning program. These piano lessons have reached more than 500,000 students already, but how good is it and does PianoforAll really work? What its users are saying about this program? Well, you will find out pretty soon.
When you have a tight budget, affording some extra and very expensive piano classes becomes very difficult but somehow you want to learn the piano and learn fast. So eventually you are left with only one option, and that is to teach yourself. There are many videos online teaching you how to play the piano, but you want a systematic and organized learning method. So, you need something profound, something that could teach you in a good flow, step by step as that makes the entire learning process a lot simpler and easier.
Piano for All
Piano for All is an online piano learning course. The course starts from the very basics, and as a beginner who has some sort of knowledge about piano and keyboard one thinks that I know all the basics of the piano but in this program, you get to learn so many things like getting to know the keyboard, white and the black keys with their pattern and chords.
The Mind Behind Piano for All
Piano for All is a creative invention of the piano master himself, Mr. Robin Hall. He has vast experience in piano and keyboards and is skilled in playing both. Initially, he started his career as a cartoonist but he drifted away from that due to the least interest in the modern world in cartoons and their true essence. He wrote stuff on how to draw cartoons. Mr. Robin was also teaching piano.
He started this online course Piano for All which is all about learning to play piano and keyboard. He has created this course that teaches you how to play the piano, as he wants his students to learn the piano quickly.
Moreover, his course covers different aspects of learning and playing the piano. He also shares some interesting tips and techniques regarding playing the piano so that his students learn fast in a short amount of time. It also shows us that Mr. Robin Hall is not interested in dragging things unnecessarily, he only wants his students to learn piano and do it fast.
On his website, he has also mentioned an email address to get in touch with him so that the users of his piano course can contact him directly for any questions and queries regarding his piano program. This also gives Robin Hall a chance to stay connected with his piano course students and help them whenever needed.
PianoForAll Complete Program Structure
At the start of the course, Robin Hall completely explains the entire Piano For All process, teaching methodology, and the course structure with the help of the following image for a better understanding of the entire learning process.
Sections 1-4 lay a strong foundation and sections 5-10 are basically building on that strong foundation according to Robin, things become a lot easier when you have a solid foundation on chords, rhythm, and basic harmony. Furthermore, he has also mentioned that the course is flexible in terms of using a piano or a keyboard, and you can apply the techniques he teaches in the program equally well on both of them.
Robin Hall also explains that his course targets a different teaching strategy than traditional piano instructions. Generally, the other resources start with sight reading which is a laborious process and also not as effective according to him.
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Piano for All adopts a different learning strategy which is, that the users of the PianoforAll build a solid foundation using chords, sounding rhythms, and grooves initially. Then by building on that foundation and learning to play by ear and also sight-read during the process.
Getting Started
The course is quite open regarding this as mentioned earlier. You can either start learning on a keyboard or a piano. The choice is yours, whichever way is suitable and feasible for you. Getting started with piano learning is what Robin Hall wants from his students. You can always upgrade and move to more advanced options later on once you learn and enjoy playing it.
Moreover, the course is structured in a way that you can learn at your own pace. Either take out some time every day or learn and practice whenever you have time. You have full control. Nobody is going to take these piano lessons away from you.
What Does the Course Offer – Complete Details of What You Get in Piano for All Program
The course offers nine detailed e-books. You can download Pianoforall e-Books and save them on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, or PC. Once you are inside the member’s area of Piano for All, the downloading section has Piano For All complete download details and instructions which makes it easy to access the course material on any device.
With the downloadable e-books option, the program also offers a print-only version of the e-books which is in PDF format and you can also download that version. You can also print out the course and get started with the course material. Choose the way according to your convenience.
You also get 200 video lessons and 500 audio tunes from Robin Hall in which he teaches and shows how to play the piano. These video and audio lessons are embedded in the e-books themselves and are good in a way that they show the demonstration of the things Robin Hall teaches. Making the PianoforAll piano keyboard lessons beginner-friendly.
I will talk more about audio and video lessons later in the article.
First, I will give you the information about e-books that are part of the course.
The Nine E-Books
It has these interactive e-books:
1. Party Time/Rhythm Piano
2. Blues and Rock ‘N’ Roll
3. Chord Magic
4. Advanced Chords Made Easy
5. Ballad Style
6. Jazz Piano Made Easy
7. Advanced Blues
8. Taming the Classic
9. Speed Learning
These e-books are in planned order and they take you to step by step through the whole course as mentioned above under the program structure heading. You start with the very basics and with each e-book, you learn something new which can then be applied to the new concepts of the next e-book.
Each e-book has a different area of focus and explains a different concept. For example, book 3, Chord Magic, focuses on the chords. It teaches you how you can master different piano chords using your memory and how you can turn them into popular songs. It also teaches you to change chords fast by using inversions. This book helps you master your chords.
Here are the details of e-books, what’s inside, and what you’ll learn in each e-book. This information and details are based on the information mentioned on the PianoforAll site.
Book 1: Party Time/Rhythm Piano
This book teaches you some great party rhythms. You will learn 10 party rhythms, some ballads, a bunch of keyboard diagrams, and tips and tricks for playing the ultimate upbeat rhythms that can put you under the spotlight when you play them at a party.
Book 2: Blues and Rock ‘N’ Roll
Now that you can play some basic notes and have good information about the rhythms, book 2, teaches you some Blues and Rock N Roll. These rhythms become a part of hundreds of classic songs. You learn some of the most amazing tunes from some great pianists like Fats Domino, Jerry Lee Lewis, and many more such great legends.
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Book 3: Chord Magic
As mentioned earlier, it focuses on chords. Now that you know some chords you can go further in learning melodies and how they can be formed.
Book 4: Advanced Chords Made Easy
Similarly, book 4, Advanced Chords Made Easy, is about some advanced chords. It teaches some of the most advanced concepts. Rythem chart for 80 Beatles songs and some other Beatles inspirations are part of the e-book.
Book 5: Ballad Style
After having a strong grip on chords, you can use them to create a ballad style. Book 5 teaches you how you can use your knowledge to create some of your very own melodies and tones. You are now stepping into the zone of letting your own creativity shine.
Book 6: Jazz Piano Made Easy
Jazz is probably the most popular piano genre. It’s always cool to sit in a smoky bar playing some amazing jazz and letting all the people dance to the amazing music. So, book 6 teaches you all that you need to know about jazz music and how you can play an amazing jazz tone.
Book 7: Advanced Blues
Book 7 will further teach you the blues. It shows you how you can improvise your previous knowledge to make some new tones and the version of “The Entertainer” is also part of this e-book.
Book 8: Taming the Classics
This book strengthens your grip and understanding of the classic tones and how you can master those traditional and some of the most amazing classical melodies.
Book 9: Speed Learning
This e-book teaches you about speed learning with some memory tricks and exercises that can help you make your learning easy and can ensure that you are learning well and fast.
Video Lessons
Two hundred video lessons are also part of the program. Many people find it easier to learn by seeing things practically happening in front of their eyes. As mentioned above, all the video lessons are part of the e-books and are embedded in the e-books and placed at each stage as per the requirement. These videos are the practical demonstration of skills and techniques Robin Hall teaches in playing the piano. Here is an example of a video lesson.
Each video lesson includes two keyboards lower and upper. Robin plays on the lower keyboard and the keyboard above shows the notes he plays making it a lot easier to see and understand the notes. This also gives you a chance to see the right position of the hands. Video lessons are basically a way of making learning easier which helps you understand things fast so that you keep your focus and you never get lost in the piano tutorials.
Audio Lessons
You also get five hundred audio tunes alongside the video lessons. These are also embedded in the e-books. Tunes basically tell you what the tune should sound like whenever you learn a new tune to play. It is a good idea to play and listen to the tunes first before you actually attempt to play on the piano as you will already get the idea of what the tune sounds like. After that, you can compare them both. These audio tunes can be played by clicking the play button (see the image below).
Piano for All: Pros and Cons
⇒ Pros
Well Structured Piano Course
The course is detailed and well-structured. E-books are designed in an organized manner and the combination of video lessons and audio tunes in the e-books makes things easier to understand which is especially good for beginners.
Apart from Robin’s lessons, some other good things about the course are,
You Can Access the Course Even if You Are Offline
There is nothing worse than losing the internet connection in the middle of a video, and there is nothing more frustrating than a slowly buffering video. It makes learning so much more difficult. But once you receive the complete package, you can download it and save it on your computer or tablet and play it anytime and wherever you want. Everything can be played offline so even if you don’t have an internet connection your learning won’t stop.
Compatibility of the Course
The material of this course is compatible with every kind of device, may it be iPad, Mac, iPhone, PC, or Android, it works on all. You can easily download the files to any of your devices and play them according to your convenience.
You Have To Pay Only Once For the Entire Course
Some piano courses only give access to the course only for a specific time, and once your subscription expires, you have to repay to access the material. That is actually very frustrating. If you had paid for lessons, you should be able to access them anytime you want even if it’s after months. But in Piano for all, you only have to pay once and can access all the material anytime you want even today or after years. It’s just a one-time payment.
Nobody is taking those videos away from you because, to be honest, you still need them whenever you forget something like different piano chords or notes.
Great Support Provided By Robin Hall and His Team
The truth is you always learn better when you have someone to guide you, to tell you about your mistakes and how you can get better. Mr. Robin Hall has mentioned his contact email address on the website and the students can contact him directly for any suggestions or help. He is very responsive to his students and gives excellent advice on how one can do better.
⇒ Cons
There are no major faults reported in Piano for all course but there are a few things noticed by its users in the program that have some room for improvement.
More Details at Some Points
In some cases, it seems that there should have been more details about playing the tune and you might feel the need to get help from any other video online. But it also depends on the learning styles of different people.
Some Sounds Inclusion
Even though Mr.Robin uses some very popular tunes in his course, some people still think that there should also be some recent music included in the lessons. I think, once you learn to play the piano, you can play any tune or song you like.
And lastly, it seems like the piano program could have used more and better visuals. The visuals it is using now might come off as confusing to the users. I think it’s for sure that better visuals also help in better learning. It keeps the interest of the learner intact and the focus remains on the screen. So maybe some better aesthetics could be added to the course’s overall look.
With that being said apart from these things, the course still manages to be one of the best online piano lessons and that is why it has crossed more than 500,000 students. As per users, this online piano course has easy-to-follow beginner-friendly online piano and keyboard lessons for all types of beginners even for adult beginners who have very limited knowledge about playing piano or keyboard.
This piano course has received some very good reviews, feedback, and testimonials from its users. These are some Piano for all reviews of its users.
Here is What People Are Saying About Their Experience With Piano for All
Dwight Kidd from the USA said, “I have yet to find another piano course that makes it this easy”.
Derek, Thornton Cleveleys from England, “Enjoying the piano like I have never – it works!! Please accept my highest respect for possibly the best tutorial for all time. I am 74 and you have made me a happy slave to my keyboard and sound”!
Ed Doran, Muskogee, said, “I purchased the course a couple of years ago and I must agree with all the other comments that the course is absolutely fantastic. It is simple, straightforward yet very effective”.
David Morgan, from London, said,” I am truly amazed at the progress I have made in three days!!!!!!
Mike Epstein from Ramat Razi’el, Israel quotes, “I didn’t think I could make the piano sound this good so quickly”.
Paul Saxon, from UK, said, “This course is exactly what I have been looking for with all the shortcuts that have been such a mystery to me for years. Well done Robin an excellent product. Kind regards. Paul”.
You can check more testimonials on the PianoforAll site.
In this article, I have shared with you the information about the Piano for all course. It has already crossed 500,000 students by now. The course is one of the best online piano courses as its popularity speaks for itself.
Many users of the Piano for All program have learned to play piano with the help of Pianoforall online piano lessons and also with the support of Mr. Robin Hall. I have given you an overview of Piano For All and it totally depends on you to decide whichever way or method you choose to learn the piano.
Lastly, if you want to start learning piano with PianoForAll,
You can get the Piano For All course at a very affordable price. You can Click Here to Check the Exclusive Discounted Price of the program and grab your copy.